30 September 2010

Style Inspiration

Grace, Elegance, Sophistication
Jackie's at Play Wardrobe

Classic! Black turtleneck and Cartier Tank

29 September 2010

Annual Girls Weekend

I got a full dose of motherhood and New England living this weekend when I traveled to Connecticut for a visit with my college roommates and best friends, M and A. I was totally impressed with Mommy M’s meticulous organization, endless patience and abundant energy in keeping up with her adorable 1 ½ year old -- and still be up for a Girls Night Out on Saturday.  

24 September 2010

Sail Fast

Good luck to The Sailor and  the crew of Windog in the J22 Regatta!

23 September 2010

Happy (Belated) Birthday Lilly Pulitzer!

Earlier this week, fashionista Lilly Pulitzer celebrated her 79th birthday.

I Scream, You Scream...We all scream for ice cream

Amid the flurry of job search related activity (Yay!),  I’ve been inattentive to my newborn blog. I missed not only the chance to post about last weekend's sweet treat but also missed the opportunity to blog about the celebration of Lily Pulitzer’s birthday on September 20th. So... here’s to making up for lost time!

17 September 2010

Got Mail?

In the age of electronic communication, email, IM, DM, chat, it's rare to receive a handwritten note in the mail. There are few things however that express that you care enough about someone to spend the time not only selecting beautiful paper or a pretty card but also that you took the time to handwrite it.

"A sealed envelope captures the moment in time that you thought of your friend, acquaintance, love and sat down to share your gratitude. We live in an impersonal world. Phone calls end, emails disappear, texts drop spare change compared to the riches of sending stationery, ink, signature, and a piece of your time they can hold and read and read again."
Annabel Clarke Mackay, The Paperqueen

14 September 2010

Honk for Ham

We’ve started a new tradition up here in the Adirondacks. With the arrival of Fall comes the Annual Pig Roast, theeeee social event of the season.
This year, we celebrated the 3rd Annual Roast with sixty of our closest friends and family.

13 September 2010

Finding The One

I recently heard from an old friend who went through a terrible break-up. It was, in many ways, her first long-term relationship and real “love.” Whether you’re thirteen or thirty-five, getting dumped is never easy. But when you’re a bit older, the stakes seem higher because you think you know yourself better; you know what you’re looking for in a mate; what you will and will not tolerate; what values and interests will make a compatible match.

09 September 2010

Just Write Something, ANYTHING Already

I've been talking about starting this blog all summer long, after being inspired by Summer Is a Verb, The Cupcaketologist, Nesting Place, PVE Designs, Wait in the Van, Fresh Every Day and too many others to list (Abridged list included for The Sailor, who says I spend an "inordinate amount of time online"). I was determined that I too would write something interesting enough to keep readers coming back. But the first three dozen attempts to debut my talent and write my inaugural blog, I faced a blank computer screen, paralyzed by writer's block, and, well, the pressure of writing something interesting enough to keep readers coming back.